Vince Farrugia at the Business Weekly Breakfast

I don’t know whether there is still anyone who knows anything
about business and economics who still believes that this country is not in an
economic mess. It is a mess for which a whole generation of politicians and
public administrators are responsible. They, with the support of some Trade
Union Leaders, love to accuse traders, employers and the self-employed, that
most of the trouble has been caused by Maltese entrepreneurs but the truth holds
that those in charge messed it up due to two main reasons:
  • an inability
    to understand basic economic concepts coupled with an obstinate belief that they
    can cause the economy to dance to their tune

    an arrogance that drives them
    to belief that once in power they can dispense with taxpayers money at will
    irrespective of the economic impactWe know now what the result is: Malta
    has the third worse public debt as a ratio of GDP situation of all the 25 member
    states of the European Union.

By 2012 a 101% of GDP will be needed to meet our
national debt.The solutions cannot be placed at the door of any one
particular sector of the community. The Trade Unions are right in saying that
workers should not be the ones to meet the bill on their own. Prof Edward
Scicluna told us that according to trends from the last decade and a half the
unemployment rate is not expected to fall unless Malta’s rate of economic growth
exceeds the 5.5% level. Unless GDP growth consistently surpasses 5.5% annually,
unemployment would continue to grow. Economically this means that without a
Wages Policy that effectively makes our main resource – Labour more
competitively priced, increased days of work, increased productivity,
containment of wage increases – our exports and our tourism cannot grow
sufficiently to move the economy towards and beyond the 5.5% growth rate.
Without this level of growth rate the entrepreneurs I represent who almost in
their totality dependent on the advance of the domestic economy cannot possibly
be expected to grow and have enough money to spare not only to increase new
employment, but pay their past debts, and invest in you projects that help us
all grow further. .
What all this really means is that the Social
Partners should continue to press on a vibrant courageous Wages Policy but not
alone as the only acceptable remedial tool. I understand why Trade Unions are up
in arms against this Budget and why they created so much opposition at MCESD to
the Employers proposals for the Social Pact. However, the Social Partners were
forced to concentrate on Wages Policy as the only remedial tool at MCESD since
the main Partner, government refused to seriously consider the use of other
economic tools in conjunction with Wages Policy. Wages Policy means mainly the
increase of productive days of work and increased labour productivity and
control of wage increases. All my efforts at MCESD to try to convince my
colleagues that insisting only on Wages Policy is short sighted as it leads to
intensified strife which will eat away any benefit of Wage Policy action, fell
on deaf ears.

A competitive Wages Policy will definitely boost economic
growth. But other tools can get the necessary boost too if operated diligently.
Our leading economists list these tools that can be effectively utilized to
correct economic situations like ours. Tools that can be used independently or
better still as a package:
ï‚· Wages Policy
ï‚· Exchange rate Policy
ï‚· Bank
ï‚· Fiscal Policy
o Reduction of public expenditure
o Reducing the
tax burdens
ï‚· Administrative policy
o Reducing bureaucracy
o Enterprise

Does this mean that I am proposing devaluation, a sharp decrease
in bank interest rates or a drastic cut in public expenditure or a heavy drop in
taxation levels? I definitely am not proposing the politicization of the
devaluation argument. I am simply saying that it was a mistake of government to
state a priori no to changes to the exchange rate and changes to Bank

The situation that we have now is not different from that we paced
before the Budget Speech was announced. The Budget is in the right direction but
definitely not enough. The targets in the governments Convergence Plan are not
enough. We will be hear next year debating the same issue but with greater
urgency. Trade Unions are making a huge mistake in losing this great opportunity
to put our economy in order. Government is weak kneed. Its budget proposals do
not go far enough. This is no employers budget, This is no entrepreneurs budget.
There is no investor out there who is going to feel better as a result of this

This budget will not be encouraging an new investment. Indeed
while I speak investors are seriously thinking how to cut their losses and not
how to grow. This country should be enterprise driven as it s the private sector
that provides the jobs that sustain our standard of living. Yet it is trade
union and regulation driven. A enterprise driven . A s long as the majority of
the Maltese want it this way a government of whatever shade and colour will
continue to be soft. But economies have a habit of correcting themselves without
the need of governments.

Their remedies are unemployment and falling of
standards for all leading to enforced competitiveness. Is this what we want? Is
there anyone out there willing to accept responsibility when this happens? The
solution is a serious Social Pact with no bars to effective action. Employers
will not however be part of Pact that says a lot a does nothing just for the
sake of having a Pact. And we are not for turning. We want to be part of a pact
containing serious measurable solutions. But otherwise we have too many problems
to face to sustain the level of investments that private entrepreneurs have
placed in this country to bother to waste more time on social dialoging that
leads nowhere.

It’s in the nature of entrepreneurs to lead to a better
future not to staleness and depression. This country needs leadership. It is up
to us employers, trade unionists and government to give it. As of now we are
failing. But the country expects it even though the public is hoodwinked to
believe differently. History will not forgive us if we


Il-Kummenti tal-GRTU ghal Budget 2005

Pass Zghir il-Quddiem izda il-boghod mis-Soluzzjoni

Il-GRTU – Malta Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprise –
tifhem il-messagg tal-Budget 2005: “irridu nahdmu aktar”. Hu ghalhekk li
tirrikonoxxi posittivament id-decizjoni tal-gvern li jnehhi l-privileggi zejjed
fejn jidhol leave mix-xoghol u vaganzi. Il-GRTU tirrikonoxxi wkoll posittivament
l-ispinta li l-gvern deciz li jaghti lit-turizmu ghax dan hu qasam importanti
hafna ghall-ekonomija taghna. Posittiv ukoll hu l-isforz tal-gvern li jindirizza
l-problema tal-budget deficit minghajr ma jweggha lil min hu batut. Il-GRTU
wkoll tapprezza li anke fis-sitwazzjoni ekonomika hazina li qieghed fiha
pajjizna l-gvern fassal mizuri li jghinu lil min irid ihaddem u holoq skemi biex
min ma jahdimx jinghata l-opportunita’ li jitharreg u li jahdem u


Il-GRTU izda tqies li ghalkemm il-Budget 2005 hu
fid-direzzjoni t-tajba b’danakollu jzomm lura wisq milli jkun kuraggus bizzejjed
li jaghti spinta serja u qawwija lil ekonomija. Meta l-gvern qed jghid li
l-ekonomija s-sena d-diehla ser tikber b’ 1.5% f’termini reali u 4.7% termini
nominali jidher bic-car li kulhadd f’pajjizna bilfors irid jaghmel sforz akbar
biex jizdied l-investiment, tonqos n-nefqa pubblika u fuq kollox jitrazzan
id-dejn nazzjonali (Malta ghandha it-tielet l-ghar record ta’ dejn nazzjonali
bhala ratio tal-GDP fost il-25 membru tal-EU). Meta fl-2003 l-ekonomija waqghet
lura u fl-2004 l-ekonomija imxiet il-quddiem biss 0.6% jidher car li biex
infiequ mill-mard ekonomiku li ghandna, nghalqu l-budget deficit u noholqu
xoghol ghall kulhadd, u irridu bilfors nsiru aktar kompetittivi.

Il-mizuri fil-Budget huma ftit wisq biex tissahhah verament
il-kompetittivita. Qed jaghmel zball kbir min qed jghid li dan hu budget
tas-sidien. Il-Budget kellu jaghti ncentivi aktar lil min irid johloq ix-xoghol
u jkun aktar iebes fuq it-tnaqqis tan-nefqa pubblika u fit-trazzin tal-pizijiet
li huma mghobbija bihom l-entrepreneurs. Il-mizuri favur l-intraprizi z-zghar
huma ftit wisq u mhux ser ikollhom effett specjali. Zgur m’humiex bizzejjed biex
itaffu ghad-daqqa ohra li ser jaqilghu n-negozji Maltin meta l-gvern ser izid
id-dhul tieghu mit-taxxi b’Lm45 miljun ohra is-sena d-diehla. Dan ifisser li
t-total ta’ dhul mit-taxxi ser jitla ghall-Lm756 miljun u dan fost l-ohrajn
b’zieda ta’ Lm27 miljun mill-VAT u Lm13 miljun ohra fl-income tax u dhul iehor
min taxxi ohra u taxxi godda. Dan kollu fi zmien meta l-ekonomija m’hiex tikber
u meta l-flus fl-idejn mhux bizzejjed biex isostnu l-intraprizi z-zghar kollha
ta’ pajjizna li maghhom jahdmu 55,000 ruh. Il-GRTU issaqsi publikament jekk
hemm’x xi pjan li terga tizdied il-VAT, haga li zgur l-GRTU ma taqbilx

B’aktar pizijiet xorta wahda l-gvern ser jispicca b’deficit
generali ta’ Lm98 miljun. Il-GRTU temmen li jekk mhux ser isiru sforzi akbar
biex l-ekonomija tikber ser nibqghu fic-cirku vizzjuz li ilna fih 10 snin:
il-gvern jonfoq dejjem aktar u biex ilahhaq jintaxxa aktar u jiddejjen aktar.
Il-piz. jaqgha fuq l-entrepreneur u fuq kull min irid jinvesti f’pajjizna u
johloq postijiet tax-xoghol godda. Ir-rizultat ta’ dan hu li flok tkattir
ekonomiku qed jkollna tnaqqis u flok aktar gid qed ikollna qaghad u zieda
fid-dejn tal-intraprizi, tal-household Maltin u tal-gvern. Il-GRTU tqies li
l-ixkiel li ghandha l-intrapriza hu kbir wisq u ftit li xejn qed jehfif b’dan
il-Budget. Il-GRTU wkoll tqies li jekk l-ekonomija ser tikber 4.7% f’termini
nominali l-gvern ma kellux jhalli n-nefqa pubblika tikber b’ 8%, ghalhiex b’hekk
flok il-quddiem swer nibqghu miexjin lura.

Mill-lat ta’ spinta lil
ekonomija dan l-Budget mhux qed joffri hafna u mhux jaspira zieda fil-fiducja li
s-sidien tal-intraprizi Maltin ghandhom bzonn biex jinvestu aktar, jahdmu aktar
u joholqu aktar impjiegi u jkabbru l-gid ta’ pajjizna. Il-piz fuq l-bicca
l-kbira tal-intraprizi qed jizdied u bla spinta qawwija lil ekonomija hafna qed
jaraw futur aktar imdallam. Il-GRTU tqies li l-gvern tilef opportunita din
s-sena li jkun vera kuragguz, deciziv u nnovattiv. Jekk l-isforzi taghna bhala
Maltin mhux ser ikunu bizzejjed, Malta jkollha fi ftit snin tbaghti
l-umiljazzjoni li l-Unjoni Ewropeja fi Brussels tiddeciedi ghalina x’irridu
nghamlu biex infiequ mill-mard ekonomiku serju li ghandu

Il-GRTU ser tibqa tahdem flimkien mar-rapprezentanti
tal-organizazzjonijiet l-ohra li jirraprezentaw l-kummerc, l-industrija u
t-turizmu biex nikkonvincu lir-rapprezentanti tal-haddiema li minghajr Patt
Socjali serju u decisiv mhux ser naslu. Il-gwaj hu maghna u bla ftehim u azzjoni
decizziva ser jibqa maghna.

Il-GRTU temmen li l-istrutturi fiskali u
amministrattivi u s-sistema kollha tal-finanzjament tal-entitajiet pubblici u
tas-servizzi socjali hi hazina. Bla Patt Socjali, l-gvern ser isibha bi tqiela
biex jirristruttura bis-serjeta’. Bla ftehim serju nibqghu bis-soluzzjonijiet
bhal dawn tal-Budget 2005: nofs lehja u neqsien mill-isforz qawwi u deciziv li
jwassal bis-serjeta ghas-soluzzjonijiet li pajjizna ghandu bzonn.

Il-GRTU tqies l-Budget 2005 bhala pass zghir fid-direzzjoni t-tajba izda
ftit wisq biex naslu.

GRTU proposals for Budget 2005

1: Proprietors capital reserve

Once again GRTU insists on an attractive scheme that helps small
enterprise owners to self finance business expansion, renovation, and new
investments. A Recent survey conducted by GRTU shows that many small
entrepreneurs are eager to expand and re-invest in enterprise that is more
attuned to Malta’s future economic perspectives yet they feel hampered by
existing taxation and limits on access to finance from the financial
institutions. They cannot self-finance their own investment programs as much of
their hard earned income is taken away by the taxation that effects small
enterprise disproportionately

1: Proprietors capital reserve

Once again GRTU insists on an attractive scheme that helps small
enterprise owners to self finance business expansion, renovation, and new
investments. A Recent survey conducted by GRTU shows that many small
entrepreneurs are eager to expand and re-invest in enterprise that is more
attuned to Malta’s future economic perspectives yet they feel hampered by
existing taxation and limits on access to finance from the financial
institutions. They cannot self-finance their own investment programs as much of
their hard earned income is taken away by the taxation that effects small
enterprise disproportionately.

GRTU has for a number of years proposed
the introduction of fiscal incentives to help business owners establish a
Proprietor’s Capital Reserve Fund. GRTU’s proposal is essentially a scheme of
tax deferment program whereby enterprise owners will be given the option to put
aside funds for re-investment and business expansion that enjoy a release from
taxation (income tax and capital gains tax if immobile assets are sold to
finance investments).

Should an enterprise owner not utilise these
accumulated funds within 5 years from deferment of tax due they will have to pay
all tax due and deferred on all amounts not utilised for investments in the
agreed period. The areas of investment acceptable for this scheme will be based
on EU norms applicable to similar tax deferment programs.

Government has
partially accepted this proposal in the past but the schemes effected were too
restrictive and did not achieve any effective result.

2: Reducing the
Maximum Rate of Income Tax

One problem faced by enterprise in Malta today
is that too many people from employment grade – managerial, middle management,
supervisory, skill operatives, professionals and technical – are paying a too
high level of income tax. This has been accentuated by the restructuring of tax
bond that was imposed four years ago which has resulted in a rapid acceleration
of taxation effecting middle and upper income groups.

The effect has been
twofold: in the first instance it is demotivational as people are not interested
to work and take up additional work and secondly it has effected negatively
efforts of small entrepreneurs to expand and work harder. Besides the direct
income effect, the action will also have an important psychological effect on
income earners / consumers.

GRTU is proposing that the 35% tax level
should be reduced to 30% over a period of three years with a first drop of two
percentage points as from budget 2005.

3: EU Funding

The whole
structure and all schemes geared towards the utilisation of EU funding for SME’s
are not working in an effective manner. The bureaucratic structure that is
supposed to keep SME owners aware of available schemes is not working as the
forms of structural dialogue in this area are not functioning (not even the
MCESD committee on EU funding). Governments section program on EU structured
funds has reserved nothing for direct utilisation by private business owners as
the funds have all been used to finance public sector projects. SME owners are
hardly aware of anything available as the EU funding exercise is effectively for
the bureaucratic structures of government and for those closely associated but
far removed from the reach of SME’s.

Government assistance program to
organisations representing small business owners hardly exist and there is a
gross discrimination towards small business owners operating in areas outside
agriculture and fisheries. Business organisations like GRTU representing small
business owners need to be funded and supported by expertise and manpower
seconded from the public sector so that they can effectively act as direct
supporting organisations for SME’s thus replacing the more costly and
traditionally ineffective state owned organisations.
4: ECO Taxation

The way the Eco tax was introduced was haphazard and ill conceived as a
proposal geared towards the involvement of business owners in waste recovery and
recycling. The Eco Contribution Commission can hardly produce any serious
results unless the whole concept of taxation and fiscal incentives to
participants in recovery and recycling schemes is revised.

Utilisation of private facilities

Malta Enterprise continues to suffer
from the shortage of available effective space to support new investments while
the private sector owns available building space and also available factory
production capabilities that is in excess of the demand based on what
entrepreneurs are prepared to pay for factory space availability to house new
business expansions.

Government with the support of MEPA should
implement schemes that encourage the utilisation of privately owned resources to
meet the demand for new factory space in a cost-effective manner and away from
the hassle of state bureaucracy.

6: Red Tape and all that

Too much
talk has been said by all on the question of the excessive bureaucracy that is
hampering business development.

It is now time that government takes
serious action which in practice means that ministries, departments, and state
authorities should lose their autonomy in proposing new red tape under one
excuse or another but normally under the convenient excuse of implementing EU
directives under the Acquis Communautaire. Business owners simply cannot take
any more. 2005 must be the year when bureaucratic red tape starts to be rolled

7: Increase in the Price of Diesel

GRTU is recommending that
in view of the increase in charges, which government says are necessitated by
the situation with world market for petroleum products, which charges would
definitely effect all enterprises particularly those where the cost of diesel as
a ratio of total costs is very high, that part of the increase will be absorbed
by the equivalent reduction in the level of taxation imposed on fuels. Malta has
one of the highest funds and a reduction will have a positive effect on all

Furthermore GRTU is proposing that despite the transition
period obtained by Malta to defer the implementation of the EU Directives that
establishes the ceiling on the prices of fuel charged to certain enterprises
like cargo hauling and construction and non mobile equipment used by enterprise
that this directive is implemented with effect as from 1st January thus giving
an important relief to a large cross section of enterprises.

8: Price of
SME’s all to an extent much higher than domestic users utilise
electricity in the production of goods or services. Government cannot impose
charges that further complicate Malta’s loss of competitiveness. Rather than
imposing charges on electricity use Government should opt for incentives to
reduce consumption and places a surcharge on bunkering and restrict pleasure
boats and ships.

9: Credit rating for Tax Purposes
Taxpayers who pay
regularly and in time should not be penalised when for reasons beyond their
control they fall back on payments. A system of credit rating should be
introduced so that during bad time SME’s can enjoy the credit points gained
during better time,

10: Customs Credit Rating
A similar scheme should
be introduced by the Customs Department Traders who regularly abide by at the
rules and are never in breach of any payments mechanism, should be given the
option of automatic release of cargo and payments made later. Credit points
saved would be lost if any suspect action is done.

11: Recommendations on
VAT & Provisional Tax

GRTU recommends that where a company pays
provisional tax year after year, in the case that in one particular year the
company records a loss and not a profit, the refund period should be shortened.
This way the amount calculated on the previous years results will be given back
to the company immediately just as when the company has to pay the tax

12: Licenses for Cargo Hauliers

GRTU had agreed with
government that the licenses for cargo hauliers would not be increased at the
same rate as proposed under EU Directives. The reasons for this were

1) In the case of Malta, cargo hauliers are also the authorised
agents who for security reasons are allowed to transport cargo in and out of
harbour areas. This is a provision authorised under the Treaty of Rome and
identifies Maltese Cargo Hauliers as agents of the government. This qualifies
cargo hauliers for special treatment.

2) Giving the excessive charges
that import and export of cargo is suffering in the harbours due to monopoly
charges by State owned and privately owned monopoly operators, cargo hauliers
(burdanara) cannot possibly pass on additional charges to local importers and

3) Furthermore additional licence fees cannot be introduced at
a time when the cost of fuel, which is a relatively high ratio item of cost to
transporters, has doubled over a short period of time, which extra cost has been
completely absorbed by cargo hauliers.
GRTU now expects that action is taken
to rectify this situation

13: Taxation of the Self-Employed

spite of the annual demand of GRTU to give the self employed the same option
that workers have to submit separate income tax returns by married couples, the
discrimination against the self employed remains. GRTU proposes that with effect
from base year 2004 the self-employed will also have the option to make separate

14: Taxation on Income of Wives

are a substantial number of married women who work part time in family
businesses while their married men work in employment. The fact that they
participate in the labour market and work in family run establishments, should
be encouraged by giving them the facility of a flat income tax charge as in the
case of part time workers. GRTU believes that this will encourage the
utilisation of more female labour that is currently idle.


GRTU continues to strive for the earliest elimination of the
anomalies effecting the self employed. There are two glaring anomalies that
cannot remain unresolved. The first refers to the discriminatory assessment
forced as on them compared to other social contributors. When the system of a
flat 15% rate as a social contribution was introduced to replace the old
contribution bands, it was agreed that this would be accompanied by the
elimination of at least one of the glaring anomalies effecting the self
employed. Today for the self employed the last 10 years income is taken into
consideration and any year in which the income was less than the prescribed
limit will effect negatively the resulting pensionable income. This is an unjust
system affecting many self-employed and small business

Furthermore once the pensionable income level is established
it is never reviewed. GRTU is proposing that as in the case of employees the
self-employed pensionable income should be reviewed annually according to
equivalent salary sector. As things stand today the self-employed became
relatively poorer as they grow older compared to ex-employees.

Implementation of the late Payment Directive as Incorporated into the Business
Promotion Act
Government is charging interest on tax due but due to still
archaic rules and regulations implemented in public procurement it is in daily
flagrant breach of the above directive that stipulates that public undertakings
have to pay up on time for goods delivered to it under contract or else be
obliged to be penalised by means of at a harsh interest rate on balances due.
This directive is precisely here to protect SME’s from being driven to the wall
by larger companies and public undertakings.
Government owes money by the
millions to amongst others pharmaceutical suppliers and construction companies
and many times is refusing to remunerate them on time, much less pay interest on
balances due. Government is obliged by law to issue contracts taking into
account EU procurement rules and terms of payment.

17: Reform of
the Health System

GRTU has long been taking part in the appropriate for a
discussing this issue namely in MCESD. Indeed a report has been prepared which
underlines the urgency to reform the health system in the phase of an rapidly
ageing population and deprival yearly costs of providing a good health care
service to the population as a whole. GRTU supports whole heatedly the changes
envisioned in the new management structures being proposed for the Health
Department. However the time has come to bite the bullet. No health system in
the European Union can survive without a degree of co payment by users. Malta
cannot be the exception. However, the health system will collapse under its own
financial weight if this issue is not addressed immediately. GRTU by means of
its pharmaceutical section has also been in discussion with the health
Department on the issue of the Pharmacy of your choice scheme which is linked to
the issue of licensing of pharmacies. There is convergence on many issues namely
that any system should be as much as possible cost neutral to government.
However, the proposals of GRTU go as far as to provide for not only the
distribution of free medicines from pharmacies but also to the provision of
certain basic medical monitoring and testing. All this at a small nominal
monthly charge.

As a second step GRTU has also proposed setting up a
public private partnership with the government to streamline its procurement
function using expertise that the pharmacy owners have built up throughout the
years. This will be a large step towards the reduction of waste, enhancing
accountability in health sector and devaluating certain basic services to a
private sector that is an integral part of the national health service but that
is more efficient in providing these services.


Foreign and External Relations in Europe

The Assistant General Secretary of GRTU, Malta Chamber of Small and
Medium Enterprises has been selected as a member of the European Economic and
Social Council Foreign and External Relations Committee (REX). Ms Sciberras is
also a member of the EESC Single Market, Production and Consumption committee
(INT) and of the ESC – Economic and Social Policy Committee.


Ms Sciberras
is one of the two Maltese representatives on the European Social Economic
Committee Level One, representing Maltese employers.

Ms Sciberras is also
representing Maltese entrepreneurs in the Group of ESC on Tourism in an Enlarged

The Study Group is this week meeting in Warsaw to discuss with
Polish business leaders the implementation and potentials of tourism in enlarged
European Union. This Study Group is drafting proposals for adoption by the
Commission for the further development of tourism in the Member States of the

L-ismoking ban f’Malta u l-Ingilterra

Issa li l-gvern tar-Renju Unit hareg il-proposti tieghu dwar kif ser
tithaddem is-sistema tal-kontrol tat-tipjip fl-Ingilterra kulhadd jista’ jara
kemm ghaggel bla bzonn l-Gvern Malti. Il-proposti inglizi huma simili ghall-dawk
li hadmet ghalihom f’Malta l-GRTU li b’konsultazzjonijiet ma organizazzjonjiet
ohra li jirraprezentaw l-SME’s fil-pajjizi ohra tal-Unjoni Ewropeja irsistiet
biex ma jiddahlux mizuri li jkissru u johonqu bla bzonn in-negozji zghar Maltin
b’mod partikolari fil-bars, clubs u l-postijiet ta’ divertiment fejn ma
jisserviex ikel shun.



Kulhadd jaqbel li t-tipjip ghandu jkun
ikkontrollat izda l-fanatici biss ridu jdahhlu sistema ta’ kontrol ghakkost ta’
kollox. Il-GRTU ssostni li l-Ministru Deguara kellu jkollu l-kuragg li jwettaq
l-pulitika tal-gvern tieghu favur in-negozji zghar Maltin billi jaghmilha cara,
bhal ma ghamilha cara il-Ministru tas-Sahha Ingliz, Mr John Reid, li hadd ma
kien ser igeghlu jkisser bars u postijiet ohra tad-divertiment li ma jservux
ikel shun.

F’Malta il-ban fuq it-tipjip hu totali u qed issir hsara
enormi lil hafna negozji.

Il-GRTU ghadha tistenna li l-gvern jara
r-raguni u b’konsultazzjoni serja mall-GRTU jibdel ir-regolamenti esagerati li
dahhlu f’Ottubru li ghadda biex fl-iqsar zmien possibli jkunu mplimentati mizuri
li filwaqt jissavagwardjaw lil dawk kollha li ma jpejpux ma johonqux u jkissru
l-investiment u l-impjieg ta’ numru kbir ta’ Maltin. Is-sistema li hi proposta
li tiddahhal fl-Ingilterra fis-snin li gejjien ghandha isservi bhala mudell
tajjeb ghas-sistema li ghandha tithaddem f’Malta.


Il-GRTU tibqa’ tistenna li l-Gvern jiehu l-mizuri mehtiega biex l-ekonomija tirpilja

Il-GRTU – Malta Chamber for Small and Medium Enterprises hi sodisfatta li
f’isem l-membri taghha u f’isem s-self-employed u s-sidien tan-negozji z-zghar
ta’ pajjizna, flimkien mall-organizazzjonijiet l-ohra li jirraprezentaw lil min
ihaddem fl-MCESD, tghat is-sehem shih u konsistenti taghha biex jintlahaq ftehim
fuq dokument li seta’ ha forma ta’ Patt Socjali li jorbot lill-msiehba socjali
ghat-tlett snin li gejjin. Sfortunatament izda, ghalkemm il-Gvern ukoll qabel ma
dan id-dokument, il-ftehim ghall-Patt Socjali baqa’ ma ntlahaqx ghaliex ma
qablux mieghu il-Unions tal-Haddiema.


Il-GRTU temmen li anke bla Patt
Socjali il-gvern ghandu jiehu dawk d-decizjonijiet cari u konkreti bla aktar
dewmien li jsostnu b’mod konkret il-kompetittivita ta’ pajjizna. Flimkien
mall-organizazzjonijiet nazzjonali l-ohra li jirraprezentaw l-intraprizi Maltin
fis-setturi kollha tal-ekonomija, u li flimkien jirraprezentaw l-investiment u
l-impjieg kollu produttiv privat li ghandu pajjizna, il-GRTU issa qed tistenna
li s-settur pubbliku flimkien mas-settur privat ghandhom jibqghu jirsistu biex
il-Maltin ikunu aktar konxji li bla mizuri effettivi l-qaghad jibqa’ tiela u
hadd ma jkollu l-futur ta’ prosperita li jixraqlu.

Il-GRTU tistenna li
l-gvern jiehu mizuri li jinkludu pakkett li jsostni b’mod effettiv
lill-intraprizi z-zghar ta’ pajjizna li issa waslu f’livell li ma jifilhux
jerfghu aktar pizijiet. Il-GRTU temmen li Malta mhux ser jirnexxila tinqala’
mis-sitwazzjoni ta’ tkattir ekonomiku stagnat u qaghad li dejjem jizdied jekk
il-mizuri li jridu jittiehdu jibqghu jigu posposti.


Ir-Reazzjoni tal-GRTU dwar id-dokument ghad-diskussjoni tal-Partit Laburista

X’irridu niksbu permezz tar-rigenerazzjoni ta’ l-ekonomija

Il-GRTU tifrah bl-impenn tal-Partit Laburista illi l-izvilupp
ekonomiku ta’ pajjizna jehtieg kontrol strett fuq in-nefqa pubblika u mhux aktar
zieda fit-taxxi.

Il-GRTU tifrah ukoll bl-impenn li t-tkattir
tal-kompetitivita ta’ pajjizna huwa ghan ewlieni li jkattar l-investiment
f’pajjizna u holqien tax-xoghol.

Il-GRTU wkoll tifrah bl-impenn li
s-sistema edukattiva ta’ pajjizna ghandha tissahhah u jikber it-tahrig
ghall-haddiema taghna.ï‚· Il-GRTU temmen izda li l-Partit Laburista ghandu
jkun aktar car dwar l-impenn lejn il-‘welfare state’ ghaliex sal-lum dan
il-kuncett f’Malta gie mifhum bhala sostenn tas-servizzi socjali akkwist ta
kollox inkluz ukoll, bhal fic-cirkunstanzi ekonomici li Malta ghaddejja minnhom
bhalissa akkost tal-kompetitavita u tal-viabilita finanzjarja ta’ l-istruttura
ta’ l-amministrazzjoni pubblika.Il-GRTU taqbel izda illi kull tibdil
fil-qafas ta’ l-istruttura tas-servizzi socjali ta’ pajjizna m’ghandhiex issir
ghad-disprezz tar-rabta (cohesion) socjali tant importanti biex tevita
il-konflitti socjali u industrijali.ï‚· Fil-qosor il-GRTU taqbel mal-hames
ghanjiet principali kif imnizzla fil-Pjan, ghanjiet li fuq kollox illum f’Malta
jaqbel maghhom kulhadd ghax m’ghandhomx suggett ta argument
ideologikuGhan Numru 1: Irridu nuzaw ir-rizorsi produttivi taghna
bl-ahjar mod possibbli halli nikkreaw il-gid necessarju biex inkomplu nkunu
solidali ma min hu fil-bzonn

ï‚· Il-GRTU taqbel ma’ l-istrategija fiskali
li mhux marbuta ma’ zieda fit-taxxi.

ï‚· Taqbel ukoll li ghandu jsir sforz
aktar organizzat u efficjenti biex tkun evitata l-evazjoni tat-taxxa li qed
tohloq zbilanci kbar f’dik li hi kompetitativita bejn dawk li jhallsu t-taxxi
dovuti u l-ohrajn li jevadu, li jiehdu l-vantagg li jikkompetu ingustament
bil-flus li m’humiex taghhom.

ï‚· Il-GRTU izda topponi bil-kbir kull
attentat li terga tiddahal f’pajjizna s-sistema mishuta ta’ Ex-Officjo Tax
Assessment li llum regghet qieghda tissemma that il-frazi anqas kera ta’ Tax
Bench Marking. Il-GRTU topponi bl-ikrah illi d-drittijiet civili u d-drittijiet
li ghandu it-‘tax payer’ taht il-ligijiet fiskali ta’ pajjizna jigu mirfusa biex
tigi mghottija l-ineficenza ta min hu responsabbli biex jigbor it-taxxi skond
il-principji accettati f’socjeta domestika.

ï‚· Dwar il-process ta’
privatizazzjoni il-GRTU ma taqbilx li l-kriterji ghandhom ikunu biss dawk
tas-salvagwardja biss tal-haddiema u tac-cittadini izda ghandhom jinghataw
prijorita assoluta lil-kwistjoni ta’ kompetitavita ta’ pajjizna u ta’ servizz
efficjenti that regulazzjoni moderna.

ï‚· Il-GRTU taqbel li l-progetti
kapitali ghandhom jigu iddezinjati, progettati u mwettqa b’sistemi ta
finanzjament ghal kollox differenti minn dak li mdorrijin bih illum u b’emfasi
hafna akbar fuq fondi privati u gwida professjonali.

ï‚· Il-GRTU taqbel
illi suggetti basici bhas-sahha, l-ambjent u l-edukazzjoni ghandu jkunu perm ta’
l-investiment pubbliku izda dan dejjem ghandu jsir fid-dawl tal-kompetitavita
ta’ pajjizna u fuq bazi ta’ sistema finanzjarja prudenti.

ï‚· Dwar
il-pjanijiet ghal programmi ahjar ghat-turizmu u ghall-‘Malta Enterprise’, oqsma
tant fundementali ta’ pajjizna, il-GRTU tistenna li l-Partit Laburista johrog bi
programmi u proposti aktar precizi ghaliex temmen illi dawn huma oqsma fejn
il-partiti politici ghandhom jahdmu flimkien biex jaghtu fiducja shiha
fl-investiment f’dan is-settur u l-operaturi fis-swieq li fuqhom Malta

Ghan Numru 2: Irridu naghtu opportunita’ lil kulhadd biex
ikun jista’ jikkrea l-gid, kemm jekk bhala mprenditur jew bhala haddiem

Il-GRTU tistenna illi jsir sforz akbar f’pajjizna biex insarrfu fil-fatti
l-opportunitajiet li qed toffrilna s-shubija shiha fl-Unjoni Ewropeja. Il-GRTU
tinnota b’dispjacir li s’issa kien hemm iktar kliem milli fatti fejn tidhol
l-ghajnuna ghall-entarprizi zghar. Il- GRTU tqis ukoll illi z-zewg partiti
politici m’humiex qed jahdmu lkoll flimkien biex jizguraw illi pajjizna ma
jibqax jaddotta bla ebda pjan ta’ impatt ekonomiku u socjali, direttivi u
sistemi ta’ L-Unjoni Ewropeja mfassla f’zminijiet ohra u mmirati lejn pajjizi
hafna akbar minna u li holqu gwaj anke lil-pajjizi sinjuri ta’

Fid-dawl ta’ l-istudju li ghamel il-kumitat specjali ta’
esperti immexxa min Mr. Wim Kok, Ex-Prim Ministru ta’ l-Olanda, dwar
il-pratticita ta’ l-istrategija ta’ Lisbona, il-GRTU tistenna li Malta ghandha
tnaqqas ir-ritmu ta’ adottazzjoni mghagla biex innaqqsu il-piz sproporzjonat li
qed nitghabbew bih.

Il-GRTU temmen li jekk ma’ jsirx sforz qawwi fuq dan
Malta ma’ jirnexxiliex tilhaq il-pjan miftihem ma’ Brussels li trazzan
id-deficit pubbliku fil-ftit snin li gejjin u tilhaq it-‘targets’ imfassla
fil-Pjan Nazzjonali ta’ l-azzjoni dwar l-impjieg.

Il-GRTU mhix sodisfatta
bil-rapprezentazzjoni ta’ Malta fil-ferghat kollha ta’ L-Unjoni kemm
ir-rapprezentanza permanenti taghna fi Brussels kif ukoll ir-rapprezentanti
taghna fil-Parlament Ewropew. Importanti li naghmlu sforz maghqud u kollettiv
biex dan il-messag importanti jitwassal u jibda jkollna nifs gdid

Ghan Numru 3: Irridu nahdmu biex kulhadd ikollu access
ghall-affarijiet necessarjji u nnaqqsu r-riskji ta’ poverta’ relattiva

Il-GRTU taqbel ma’ l-ghanijiet ewlenin f’dan il-Pjan, izda temmen illi ghnadha
titnehha l-mentalita illi l-istat huwa l-missier benevolenti, li x-xoghol
principali tieghu huwa li jqassam il-gid principali ta’ pajjizna aktar milli
x-xoghol ewlieni tieghu li jamministra b’mod efficjenti r-rizorsi disponibli ta’
pajjizna bl-ghan li pajjizna jibqa jahdem fuq bazi ta cohezjoni

Ghan Numru 4: Irridu nikkreaw mezzi godda li bihom niehdu hsieb
lil min mhux fi stat li jfendi wahdu

ï‚· Il-GRTU thares lejn l-ghanjiet
imfassla f’din is-sezzjoni b’mod posittiv izda temfasizza li dawn l-ghanjiet
jistghu jintlehqu biss jekk ikun hemm qbil nazzjonali dwar is-sistema tas-sahha,
ta’ pensjonijiet u ta’ insistenza socjali sostenibli kemm fil-perjodu mmedjat
kif ukoll fil-perjodu medju.

Ghan Numru 5: Irridu nikkreaw l-ahjar
ambjent ekonomiku u socjali li permezz tieghu nkunu nistghu nakkomodaw
proporzjoni dejjem akbar ta’ anzjani fis-socjeta taghna

ï‚· Il-GRTU taqbel
li ghandu jsir sforz hafna akbar biex nutilizzaw ir-rizorsi mohbijin ta’
pajjizna l-aktar il-kapacitajiet tan-nisa li llum qed ikunu mheddha
mil-opportunitajiet produttivi ta’ pajjizna minghajr ma’ tbati il-familja fejn
l-omm ghadha il-perm ewlieni ta’ edukazzjoni ta’ l-ulied iz-zghar. Dan jista
jsir billi n-nisa jinghataw incentivi ahjar u flessibilita biex jkunu jistghu
jahdmu aktar mid-dar.

Il-GRTU temmen li l-anzjani ghnadhom wkoll ikunu
jistghu jibqghu attivi jekk huma hekk jaghzlu minghajr ma jbatu konsegwenzi
mid-dhul dovut lilhom mis-sistema tal-pensjonijiet.


Il-GRTU taqbel fuq il-kelma flimkien pero din tinvolvi bidla ghal pajjizna.
Qeghdin isiru sforzi kbar mill-imsiehba socjali biex jintlahaq ftehim socjali u
l-imsiehba jafu kemm hu tqil ghax lil hinn mit-tpacpic ghal fatti ghad hemm
bahar jaqsam. F’Pajjiz bhal Malta li ghandna wahda mill-aktar ekonomiji miftuha
fid-dinja ma nistghux nibqghu kompetitivi jekk il-gvern imexxi sistema
finanzjarjali mhix sostenibli fejn aktar minn nofs il-Prodott Gross Domestiku
jintnefaq mis-settur pubbliku u fejn parti sostanzjali tar-rizorsi ewlenija ta’
pajjizna, il-haddiema hi inkorporata f’settur pubbliku that il-garanzija ta’
‘job for life’. Biex ir-realta li nahdmu flimkien tirnexxi, l-imsiehba socjali u
l-partiti politici iridu jkunu ta’ gwida lis-socjeta Maltija fuq bazi ta’ realta
ekonomika li qed taffacjana fl-ewwel dicenni ta’ dan is-seklu

Il-GRTU twiddeb dwar aktar incertezza ekonomika

Il-GRTU tiehu
bis-serjeta’ hafna dak li qed jghid l-Professur tal-Ekonomija Dr Edward Scicluna
ex-Chairman tal-MCESD, li jekk mhux ser jittiehdu mizuri serji biex l-ekonomija
terga tibda tikber l-pajjiz ser jiffacja problemi kbar u zieda qawwija
fil-qaghad. Din hi ezatt il-pozizzjoni tal-GRTU. Malta qed titlef
l-kompetitivita taghha b’mod rapidu u s’issa minflok mizuri biex titranga
s-sitwazzjoni rajna biss zieda fit-taxxi, zieda fl-infieq tal-gvern u progetti
kapitali kbar, bhal dak tal-isptar il-gdid li qed jizvina lil gvern, u zieda
qawwija bla sens fil-burokrazija u r-regolamentazzjoni li qed twerwer lil kull
min irid jinvesti u johloq ix-xoghol.

Il-Prof. Scicluna qed iwiddeb li min hu
responsabbli – rapprezentanti tas-sidien, rapprezentanti tal-haddiema u gvern,
biex jaghzel minn tlett ghazliet:

ï‚· Jew devaluation qawwija tal-lira
Maltija biex tinghata spinta lil esportazzjoni, din soluzzjoni,li taghti
vantaggi short-term izda malajr ikollna nhallsu l-konsegwenzi negattivi taghha u
ghalhekk il-GRTU ma taqbilx ma din s-soluzzjoni.
ï‚· Wage freeze ghal tlett
snin ghaliex l-pagi huma l-ghola element ta’ nefqa ghall-bicca l-kbira ta’
intraprizi Maltin u bi freeze totali Malta tirbah lura l-kompetitivita.
ï‚· Li
ma jsir xejn u l-qaghad jithalla joghola bil-kbir sakemm wara perjodu ta’
ricessjoni l-ekonomija tigi f’taghha ghax nergghu nsiri

Il-GRTU temmen li jekk kulhadd jistembah ghar-realta
ekonomika li pajjizna ghaddej minnha soluzzjoni tinstab. Il-GRTU izda ma tridx
tkun parti minn soluzzjoni taparsi li flok twassal ghall-qawmien ekonomiku
twassal ghall-aktar gwaj. Hu ghalhekk li l-GRTU qed tappella pubblikament biex
ikun hawn aktar kuxjenza nazzjonali dwar il-gwaj ekonomiku li qed jiffacja
pajjizna. Il-GRTU ssostni li jekk il-haddiema ma jridux wage-freeze, soluzzjoni
li l-GRTU mhiex tipproponi u ma taqbilx maghha, il-haddiema ghandhom jaccettaw
li jitnaqqsu n-numri esagerati ta’ vaganzi u leave li jitgawdew f’Malta ghax
Malta ma teffordjax dan il-lussu kollu li jpoggina fost l-aktar komdi fl-ewropa
meta ahna fost l-aktar li ghandna gwaj ekonomiku.

Il-GRTU taqbel ma
tnaqqis serju fin-numru ta’ granet ta’ leave ghax dan ifisser boost qawwi lil
produzzjoni nazzjoanli u zieda diretta lil kompetittivita tal-prodott Malti.
Il-GRTU taqbel ukoll li l-gvern ghandu jrazzan bil-kbir n-nefqa pubblika b’mod
aktar aggressiv minn dak li ntrabat dwaru ma Brussels ghaliex s’issa ghadu ma
kkonvinciex li bis-serjeta’ jrid jwaqqa l-livell record ta’ 52% tal-Prodott
Gross Nazzjonali li jmur fl-infieq tal-gvern.

Il-GRTU tistenna li
d-dibattitu dwar l-ekonomija jinfetah berah biex il-poplu jkun jaf x’inhuma
l-ghazliet iebsa li ghandu quddiemu w jaghraf jiddeciedi fl-ahjar interessi ta’


Il-GRTU titlob l-Intervent tar-regolatur tal-Energija jindahal fil-kwistjoni taz-Zidiet tal-Fuel

Il-GRTU titlob wkoll l-Intervent
tal-Ufficju tal-Kummerc Gust

Il-GRTU titlob lil Malta Resources Authority
bhala r-Regolatur tal-prodotti tal-Energija – fuels, gas u elettriku biex tghid
xi proceduri qed jintuzaw biex ikun assigurat li qabel ma jkomplu jgholew
il-fuels u jghola l-elettriku li jithaddmu f’Malta r-Regolamenti Ewropej ta’
regulamentazzjoni ta’ prezzijiet ta’ prodotti tal-energija.

Il-GRTU qed
titlob ukoll lil Office for Fair Competion biex jisgura li qabel ma jkunu
approvati aktar zidiet ikun assigurat li r-Regolamenti Ewropej li jigvernaw lil
monopolji jkunu mhaddma bir-reqqa fir-rigward tal-Enemalta
Corporation.L-ittra tal-GRTU lil MRA u lil OFC qed tintbghat ukoll ma’
din l-istqarrija.

28th October 2004
Malta Resources Authority
Millenia 2nd Floor
Aldo Moro

Mr Marcel Pizzuto
Director General
Office for Fair
Cannon Road
St .Venera

Dear Sirs,


Fuel Price
The price of fuel products sold by the monopoly
energy supplier Enemalta Corporation keeps rising on a regular basis
notwithstanding the high impact these increases have on enterprises particularly
those in services with a high operational ratio of fuel costs to total costs.
The economic impact these price increases are having on enterprise are too large
to be ignored.

GRTU on behalf of its members is requesting you to inform
us what procedures and regulations are being used by MRA as Energy Regulator to
ensure that the impact on enterprise and consumers is taken seriously into
consideration prior to your approval of these increases. GRTU is also requesting
you to inform us whether you are satisfied that EU regulation and procedures are
being respected to the full. We are interested to know also whether Enemalta is
being subjected by the Office for Fair Competition to the monopolies regime of
assessments prior to approval of price increases.

This issue is great as government is declaring “its” intent to raise
electricity charges. Needless to say it is the monopolist supplier Enemalta
Corporation which has to make a case to Malta Resources Authority as Energy
Regulator. MRA is expected to perform its role according to EU directives and
norms governing the regulation of energy suppliers, while the Office for Fair
Competition is expected to ensure that the monopolist supplier is basing its
claims for increased charges on a rigid assessment of Enemalta’s costings
systems and purchasing procedures and that the claims for increases reflect
pricing and costings in a competitive environment.

GRTU expects Malta
Resources Authority and the Office for Fair Competition to follow acceptable
procedures in assessing claims for increase of charges made by Enemalta
Corporation so as to protect the interests of the consumer and all

These procedures should include the public notification of
claims by the suppliers and the presentation of arguments supporting these
claims and costings for review by the Regulator and procedures should provide
also for enough time for the hearing of objections and presentation of counter
arguments by all stakeholders.

Needless to say in the field of energy
supplies it is your duty to:

ï‚· Promote efficiency
ï‚· Promote
sustainable competition and
ï‚· Give the maximum benefit to end users
Affordability of services
ï‚· Entities do not charge excessive prices
Introduce retail price cap measures
ï‚· Orient tariffs towards costs or prices
in comparable markets.

Moreover you are to ensure that prices are based

i) Transparency
ii) Consistency

GRTU retains its right to present its complaints to the
European Commission should it feel that EU regulations and norms on competition
and regulation of monopolies are not fully adhered to in