GRTU reaches agreement with Enemed on a wider distribution of Super Unleaded Petrol – RON98 (2)

Following a meeting held earlier this week with Enemed Chairman Kevin Chircop, GRTU presented its arguments as to why the Unleaded Super Fuel should be distributed widely amongst fuel stations and therefore the stations interested should be given the opportunity to sell the new product.

GRTU is pleased to announce that following this meeting an agreement was reached whereby all fuel stations that express their interest in selling the

 Super Unleaded Petrol will be supplied as soon as the necessary preparations are completed from the fuel stations’ end.

A list of the fuel stations that would like to be supplied with the Super Unleaded Petrol has already been passed on to Enemed.

GRTU and its members have the same interest of Enemed, of pushing the new product and have it effectively penetrate the Maltese market.

GRTU would like to thank Enemed for accepting GRTU’s arguments and providing equal access to all fuel stations. GRTU also thanks Minister Konrad Mizzi for his intervention in the matter that was instrumental in facilitating discussions and finding an amicable solution.

GRTU and MCA launch tools to facilitate the advancement of Maltese SMEs in the digital world

The Malta Communications Authority and GRTU Malta Chamber of SMEs have today launched a number of tailored tools that will proactively increase the number of businesses in Malta that have an online presence and are able to compete online.

GRTU President Paul Abela stated that competition from the internet is one of the biggest concerns and challenges faced by Maltese businesses today. 

“It is a phenomenon that businesses need to adapt to and GRTU is pleased to be working hand in hand with the Malta Communications Authority to supply Maltese businesses with the necessary tools that will enable them to compete online”. Over a 100 foreign companies have registered for the Maltese VAT through the MOSS system to be able to sell to Maltese consumers and pay the Maltese VAT rate.

As part of a wider project financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) GRTU has not only identified the gaps that are holding businesses back but it has also developed learning tools to address them.  Thanks to ESF funds GRTU has developed a guidebook and an online learning tool, both aimed at upskilling businesses. These tools can help businesses go online for the first time as well as further develop and improve their online presence to be more effective and competitive.

Following the launch of the National eCommerce Strategy last year, the MCA Chairman said that MCA continues with its commitment to facilitate the uptake in eCommerce by ensuring that traders have the necessary means to capitalise on opportunities brought about by eCommerce. The MCA is cognizant that in today’s increasingly connected society, it is becoming ever so important for companies to develop and manage an effective online channel, especially in view of the fact that although 69% of businesses claim to have a website, only 14% were selling online in 2013, with the remaining sales occurring mainly through traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

It is therefore becoming critical for traders to be able to find the right expertise and support when setting up an online store or extending their business online. To this end, the Authority has re-visited the eCommerce guides for business, which it had launched some years back, and incorporated these in a website together with the online directory, BLINK,  so as to provide traders with a more comprehensive and practical reference tool. The eCommerce Guides for SMEs’ website is purposely designed around a number of categories reflecting the different phases that are usually required to set up an online shop. It features information related to legislation, website planning, online security issues, electronic payments, customer service, amongst others.

Hon Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth, Hon Jose Herrera stated that ‘The national strategy for electronic commerce, that was ambitiously launched last year, is addressing the challenges through a number of measures that are spread on a six year period. First and foremost and without any doubt however, every enterprise needs to assess in great detail how this reality affects them. Therefore, the Malta Communications Authority and the GRTU are today jointly launching a package of information tools that will help enterprises undergo the necessary change. The guides are made available free of charge and provide enterprises with the necessary resources so that they can capitalise on the opportunities that electronic commerce brings. Through these guides we need to assist those industries where electronic commerce presents real opportunities for development and expansion.

GRTU and MTA initiate wave of communication efforts targeting the hospitality and leisure industry

A number of operators representing the majority of entertainment establishments in Malta and Gozo have yesterday attended a communication meeting related to compliance and higher standards organized jointly by the GRTU and the MTA.

The meeting was chaired by Philip Fenech, GRTU President for the Tourism

 section, and it was addressed by Paul Bugeja, MTA CEO, David Mifsud, Licencing and Enforcement Director and Charles Burlo, Head of Monitoring Board for Health and Safety in places of entertainment and GRTU CEO Abigail Psaila Mamo.

The aim of the meeting was of helping operators in the sector attain higher standards by explaining compliance and licensing legislation and having a constructive exchange of views on the issues the operators face on a day-to-day basis.

Amongst other things a number of important issues were discussed including the presence of under age youths in places of entertainment, the capacity of the establishments, evacuation and drills, fire safety and juvenile delinquency.

The GRTU and the MTA and the operators are stepping up their efforts in time for the festive season to ensure that people can enjoy themselves while feeling safe. This is the first of a number of initiatives that are aimed at bringing the main stakeholders to work together for the betterment of the community at large.

Il-GRTU u l-MSBCA jesprimu l-preokkupazzjoni taghhom fuq l-izviluppi dwar ir-rilokazzjoni tal-bejjiegha tal-monti

Il-GRTU u l-Merchants Street Business Community Association (MSBCA) illum laqqgħu lis-sidien tan-negozji li jinsabu  fi Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta u dan in vista ta’ l-aħħar żviluppi dwar ir-rilokazzjoni tal-bejjiegħa tal-monti.

Is-sidien tal-ħwienet ta’ Strada Merkanti filwaqt li jirrijaffermaw li għamlu investiment ta’ miljuni ta’ ewro fil-ħwienet tagħhom u dan sabiex itejjbu l-

livell tan-negozju tagħhom, ma jistgħux jiġu issa f’pożizzjoni li l-investiment tagħhom jixxejjen.

Jifhmu li anke il-bejjiegħa tal-monti iridu jaqilgħu l-għixien tagħhom u huwa għalhekk illi qed jipproponu li l-bejjiegħa jerġgħu imorru quddiem is-Suq tal-Belt propju fejn kienu ftit taż-żmien ilu.

Is-sidien huma ferm preokkupati li numru ta’ franchises li qed joperaw minn Strada Merkanti huma deċiżi li jirtiraw jekk kemm-il darba il-monti jiġi rilokat matul Triq il-Merkanti.

Is-Sidien disposti li jitkellmu u jiddisktu u dan bil-għan li tinstab soluzzjoni.

A balanced budget with positive business incentives

This year’s Budget offers a healthy mix of incentives targeting the private sector many of which are being implemented with the collaboration of the GRTU. Most of GRTU’s priority areas have in fact been addressed and a good number of proposals have been taken up. GRTU believes this will further secure the country’s economic growth.


GRTU notes with dissatisfaction that the energy tariffs have not been reduced albeit clear indications supporting GRTU’s claim. GRTU will continue with its representations in this regard to see electricity reduced. On the other hand GRTU welcomes the positive incentives aimed at increased renewable energy investment by the private sector, also a priority area for GRTU.

Access to Finance

Whist GRTU welcomes the announcement that the investigation it itself instigated, in relation to bank interest rates and charges, has now been completed, GRTU is eager to see the results of this investigation and tangible action taken in this regard. In addition GRTU reiterates that more needs to be done to increase enterprise options when it comes to access to finance, especially means of financing that go beyond the use of banks. In line with this GRTU is also eager to see the implementation of the long awaited Development Bank.

Digital Economy

GRTU reiterates that we must foster an enabling environment for our enterprises to compete online. This is of paramount importance not just for our enterprises but also for our economy. As such GRTU believes this Budget is lacking of concrete incentives that encourage businesses to sell online and strengthen their online identity as well as policies that aim at making online selling to foreign countries a possibility through, for instance, competitive export costs.

Traffic and Parking

A number of GRTU’s proposals in this area have been taken up including planned incentives for the private sector to introduce transport schemes for their employees, other incentives such as car pooling and the strengthening of sea transport as well as the exploration of alternative means of transport. GRTU had also proposed increased parking facilities, a measure also present in this Budget. GRTU will continue working with the Ministry to continue increasing incentives to the private sector that can provide concrete solutions to Malta’s traffic problems.


GRTU is pleased Government is giving importance to this trench of enterprises through repayable grants which was another priority and suggestion of the GRTU. GRTU will be working with the Ministry to intensify assistance to start-ups to overcome current shortcomings in the system.


Other measures welcomed by the GRTU include the regulation of migrant workers, simplification through fiscal consolidation and the fast processing of insolvency procedures, the export trade guarantee, the permanent link between Malta and Gozo, the developments in relation to the POYC and the withholding tax on commercial properties.

In conclusion GRTU also welcomes the fact that in this Budget there are no apparent shocks to business and awaits timely implementation based on thorough consultation with social partners.


GRTU requests Government to intervene on the One-time/Life-time Stall Permits issued by Local Councils

GRTU has held various discussions with both the previous and present administration regarding the extent of the legal capacity that Local Councils have to grant temporary permits for operators to set up stalls by virtue of the Activities Requiring Permits by Local Councils Regulations (Legal Notice 119 of 2002 as amended).

Regulation 10 within this Legal Notice allows Local Councils to afford a temporary permit specifically for religious feasts and Public Events held in the locality. Specific provisions are even included whereby Local Councils are obliged to give priority in the allocation of stalls during feasts to the sale of Maltese nougat.

It is abundantly clear that the scope of the legislator behind this law was to regulate the temporary stalls that characterise our local religious feasts, not to establish a platform that allows the bypassing of the Commerce Department and the Trade Services Directive altogether.

Nonetheless Local Councils are utilizing this regulation in particular in order to grant long term permits to operators, without vetting tax compliance, which permits are also often extended practically all year round. These result in, for example, the countless vans we see mushrooming near our roundabouts in various localities, particular when nearing special occasions such as Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day, selling flowers and other items, to the detriment of shop owners that would have been waiting for such occasions all year whilst dutifully paying their licenses, permits and taxes.

GRTU insists that this was clearly not the intention of the legislator when drafting the said Regulations and therefore Local Councils should not be allowed to over reach and extend in this manner. GRTU continues to insist that such abusive practices can no longer be tolerated and the relevant amendments to the law be introduced.

GRTU has already presented its proposed amendments to the Regulations to the competent authorities and discussed them directly with the Minister for Small Businesses, Dr. Chris Cardona. Such amendments would leave no scope for interpretation and close any loopholes that are giving way to abuse. While there is an evident legislative failure that needs to be seen to, the Government is unfortunately dragging its feet on the issue. GRTU is insisting with the Government to intervene in this regard without further delay and stop this unfair competition.

Paul Abela confirmed as GRTU President – GRTU holds successful Annual General Meeting

GRTU has today held its first Executive Council meeting during which Paul Abela has been confirmed as GRTU Presidentfor the year 2015.

The Executive Council also elected GRTU’s 6 Vice Presidents as follows:


Vice President – Policy and Strategy

Philip Fenech

Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Business Consultancy Services

Vice president – Finance and Administration

Marcel Mizzi

E-Commerce, Web & Software Developer

Vice President – Sections

Joan Haber

Manufacturer of Artistic Crafts & Ceramic Goods, Event Organizer, Crafts Council Representative

Vice President – Districts and Localities

Sergio Camilleri

PetrolStation owner, Auto Parts, Auto Dealer, Rent a Car & Panel Beater

Vice President – International Relations

Michael Galea

Auto Dealer, Importer & Repairs, Auto Service Station, Marketing Advisor & Real Estate

Vice President – Training and Development

Mario Debono


Pharmacy Owner, Pharmaceutical Importer, Healthcare IT Provider & Property Developer


Amongst its 18 Council Members, representing diverse economic operators within GRTU, GRTU is this year welcoming two new Members on its Executive Council, Mr Alfred Fenech of Sterling Jewellers and Mr Christian Vassallo of Vassallo Group. GRTU’s Memberson the Executive Council for the year 2015 are:


Azzopardi Emanuel

Laundry & Dry Clean, Upholstery & Carpet Cleaning

Cutajar Patrick

IT Consultant

Fenech Alfred

Jewellery Importer, Manufacturer & Retailer & Restauranteur

Fenech Azzopardi


Retailer & Manufacturer of Furs & Leather Wear, Importer & Retailer of Swimwear

Galea Stephen

President Socjeta` Vitikultura, Agriculture, Farmer & Vine Grower

Gauci Noel

Renewable Energy, Culinary Products

Vella Josette

Importer & Retailer of Quality Giftware, Furniture and Fine Arts

Vella Salvu

Cargo Haulier (Burdnar), Customs Clearance Agent & Forwarder, Shipping & Travel Agent & VRT

Vassallo Christian

Construction, Real Estate, Elderly Care, Furniture, Hospitality & Catering

Zammit Carmel

Cargo Haulier (Burdnar)

Zerafa Joseph

Hifi, TV & Domestic Electronic Equipment Importer & Retailer


Last Sunday the 18thof January GRTU successfully held its Annual General Meeting during which Paul Abela made an introduction of what this year meant for GRTU and that even though this was once again a very challenging year it was also a successful year.


In her presentation of the Annual Report GRTU CEO Abigail Psaila Mamo presented an overview of the work undertaken by GRTU in 2014 and amongst other things explained the important wins GRTU achieved during the year:


1. Shift from Eco Tax

Through its efforts for Budget 2015 GRTU committed Government to shift electrical and electronic equipment from Eco Tax to the Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment. This is something GRTU has been insisting on for a number of years and we therefore consider this as a very big win. Much rests on the implementation of this commitment and GRTU will be following it up closely in 2015.


2. Tackling Unfair Competition

Also through its efforts for Budget 2015 GRTU committed Government to increase drastically its enforcement system to tackle the issue of unfair competition. The first action started at the end of 2014 and enforcement will be escalated in 2015. This is another big win for GRTU and GRTU will continue monitoring implementation in 2015.


3. Access to Finance

Thanks to GRTU’s efforts the authorities, the banks and other entities started offering cheaper financing options for SMEs and the Government committed to implement GRTU’s request to have a development bank. This is just the tip of the iceberg however GRTU is confident that the situation will continue to improve during 2015. This especially GRTU has convinced the MCCAA to investigate GRTU’s claims. The investigation will be conducted during 2015 according to the priorities identified by GRTU and its members.


4. Valletta Shop Scheme

GRTU successfully renegotiated the original Valletta Shop Scheme that would give an increased and longer title of lease to tenants. GRTU will continue negotiating on this Scheme in 2015 so that it ensures a high take-up.


5. Reduction in Excise duty on Tyres

GRTU has successfully negotiated a better deal for importers of large tyres, from what was announced in Budget 2015, by convincing the authorities to introduce a cap on larger tyres as well as better payment terms for the excise due. GRTU estimates that the change negotiated will result in a 50% reduction in excise due from importers of large tyres.


6. Smart card compensation

GRTU won a reimbursement for owners that have purchased a smart card machine during 2013 and 2014 in view of the change in policy. The reimbursement is capped and GRTU will be in charge of administering the reimbursement process in 2015.


7. Stalling increases in port charges

GRTU has so far successfully managed to stall further increases imposed by the VGT. Pressure to increase the charges is however constant and GRTU is ready to escalate its action.


8. Online directory by MCA

As part of the E-Commerce strategy GRTU proposed the setting up of an online directory and this was set up by the MCA. This we feel is a first important step in making the online world more accessible and to small businesses.


9. Sections

2 new sections have joined the GRTU in 2014 and the GRTU has reached an agreement that safeguards the livelihood of Gas Distributors for the years to come.


10. PVPFS and GRTU Approved Schemes

In 2014 GRTU was able to quantify the final results and benefits reaped from the Schemes that emanated from the PV Section. GRTU regards both Schemes as success stories which it will seek to replicate in other areas and sections. GRTU waits expectantly to see the GRTU Approved recognized on a national level in 2015.


Members present for the AGM were also given the opportunity to raise any issues and some members expressed their concern on the current high fuel prices. They emphasised that coupled with the high licensing fees on commercial vehicles, these were heavily decreasing the competitivity of Maltese enterprises.