Hauliers Section within GRTU files Judicial Protest

BurdnaraThe Hauliers Section within GRTU, filed a judicial protest in the first hall of civil rights against the Commissioner for Inland Revenue as the legal representative responsible for the Customs Department. Through its judicial protest the hauliers section formally asks for an immediate action to be taken against any persons, being permitted to act as Cargo clearance and forwarding agents, without holding the necessary license.


In its judicial protest the Hauliers Section notes that Chapter 203, Article 3 of the Laws of Malta, clearly states that ‘no person shall act as a cargo clearance and forwarding agent except under and in accordance with a customs permit granted in that behalf by the Comptroller’. Moreover Article 9 of the same Chapter states that importers, exporters and owners of cargo can only transport cargo from or to any customs shed, bonded store, warehouse, verandah, quay or other place of deposit ‘through the services of a cargo clearance and forwarding agent duly authorised in that behalf’.

It is therefore clear that persons being permitted to act as hauliers, without holding the necessary license are going against Articles 3 and 9 of the ‘Cargo Clearance and Transport Act’  

The Hauliers Section within GRTU, is holding the Commissioner of Inland Revenue responsible for any losses and expenses its members suffered or may suffer. Through its judicial protest, the Hauliers Section within GRTU also formally asks the Commissioner for Inland Revenue to immediately stop and intervene against such persons.

GRTU & Business 1st launch info sessions for SMEs

launchBusiness 1st is now owned and managed by a team made up of GRTU and Government representatives. It is now a limited liability company chaired by Mr. Paul Abela, GRTU’s president.

On Wednesday 22nd November Business 1st launched a series of info sessions specifically targeting SMEs. These short sessions are free of charge and are going to be held regularly.  They will tackle subjects that are of interest to Maltese Businesses. These sessions are not meant to be full courses in the subject matter. They are intended as an introduction with the aim of encouraging attendees to seek further knowledge. The sessions will also include information on related Government initiatives to help SMEs become aware of them and ultimately encourage uptake. Feedback from these sessions will be requested and recorded recorded and later used to further improve dissemination and create new services.

All info sessions are free of charge and are conducted at the new Business 1st premises in Mriehel (next to Fino showroom). Currently, the venue can host around 25 students, however if demand is higher more seats will be made available in future.

Through this portal you can either apply to attend one of the listed sessions or request to be kept updated about future sessions.

GREENMT soon launching Tetra Ghall-Istrina

tetra“Tuna l-Kartuna tal-Halib u lill-Istrina naghtu daqqa t’id”

Nowadays the management of waste is of national importance. The Scheme Green MT, which collects separated waste from numerous Local Councils in Malta and Gozo, will be launching a campaign during the European Week for Waste Reduction. The campaign named ‘Tetra ghall-Istrina’ will be encouraging any individuals (including Schools, Local Councils, hotels, catering establishments etc.) in Malta and Gozo to join us in increasing the recycling and separation of packaged waste. The main aim of the campaign is to collect as many cartons of milk and juices (any brand), which unfortunately till last year were never considered as recyclable waste which could be disposed in the Grey bag.


Green MT will be collecting from Schools, Local Councils, Hotels and Commercial entities (list updated daily in our Facebook page, check for updates). The EWWR – European Week of Waste Reduction will be held during the week of 18th November 2017 till 26th November 2017. This campaign will also be promoted through the use of broadcasting methods and social media.

Material can start being picked up from Today!!!

Green MT will be providing Euro 60 for every ton for this type of material collected in the mentioned week, to the Malta Community Chest Fund during the Annual event of Istrina. In this way we will be helping those in need while also making the environment around us better.

The material should be lightly rinsed, and put in a any coloured bag (not a black bag) with the carton flattened. If an individual has a query regarding this initiative, they are free to use our Freephone: 80074444 or 21496965/6 or email us on

We thank you for your generous help!

GRTU Annual Conference: Growth through innovation for SMEs

(conference1Presentations in the left column)

Driving innovation to Maltese SMEs was the aim of this year’s GRTU Annual Conference. The event was held as part of Malta’s SME Week celebrations and saw the attendance of over 200 enterprise owners.

The title of this year’s event was ‘Let’s Evolve – Growth through Innovation’. During the opening speech Mr. Paul Abela mentioned the need for business to embrace innovation. Although a lot of businesses are acknowledging that Innovation is important for their business growth, many still have not managed to embrace it.

Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation, Hon Silvio Schembri stated that ‘as mentioned in the budget speech, the Maltese Government will be investing in a blockchain hub to help startups that use this technology, it will also be investing in MITA’s blockchain lab and in the coming months training programs will be launched to train workers within the public service to familiarize with this new technology. All this to strengthen Malta’s ecosystem and boost innovation’.


Through a survey conducted by GRTU in recent months it was noted that businesses still find it difficult to apply for funding directed at innovation. Although the majority of local businesses are interested in such funding mechanisms, there is still a considerable amount of persons who have not heard of such funding opportunities.

Participants were motivated to open their doors to innovation and use it as an answer to conquer challenges. With the ever changing economy, consumer demands, increasing competition and technology advancements, innovation in business is inevitable for businesses to continue succeeding and maintain their relevance on the market.

The conference explored innovation through four main themes to complement the needs of businesses. The conference explored online opportunities and eCommerce, developing ideas and doing it with the proper preparation, access to finance from the traditional to the alternative means and also private sector innovative solutions.

Ms. Nancy Caruana Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Economy, Investment and Small Businesses closed this event saying that the Ministry is keen on helping local talent and reward those who are determined to make it work. There are specialized Malta Enterprise schemes and government is also working on increasing the number of start-up facilities through the development of a specialized campus.

Business First Re-Launched in Mriehel

business firstBusiness First has been re-launched in new offices in Mriehel. Business First is now a limited liability company owned by GRTU and Government. Business First had initially started in 2011 with the purpose of providing the most essential business services in one location. It’s primary aim has always been to reduce bureaucracy and to help speed up the provision of Business Services by offering a one stop shop solution.

GRTU believes that with it’s involvement, the services offered by Business First can not only be enhanced but can also be more effective. GRTU is represented on the Business First board of directors by Paul Abela (Chairman), Marcel Mizzi and Abigail Mamo.

Minister Cardona officially inaugurated the new Business First set up today and stated that this is all part of this Government’s efforts to reduce bureaucracy and to allow businesses to realise their full potential.

GRTU’s president, Paul Abela, promised that the new Business First will make a difference and stated that with GRTU’s involvement Business First will become a model for other countries to emulate.

Let’s Evolve | Growth through Innovation

RefQ0305 Innovation Conf FBpostFree registration is now open!

This year the Malta Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) will be organising its annual half day event on the 10th of October.

The name of the conference is ‘Let’s Evolve | Growth through Innovation’ and its aim is to raise awareness among SMEs about the potential of innovative practices within their business and kick start some of these innovative practices.

Innovation is for any business, independent of whether it is just starting out, has been long in business, its size or the goods or services it deals with. Innovation is for everyone and it’s no rocket science. The conference will provide a walkthrough of possible innovative practices that can be implemented in your business both in the short and long term.

Innovation = less costs and bigger profits. Let’s explore this together.

Click here to register your interest

Should you wish to know more, LIKE the GRTU page on Facebook.

Il-GRTU sodisfatta bir-rizultat li l-LESA kisbet ghas-sitt twissijiet ta’ kontravenzjoni tat-traffiku


Il-Preokkupazzjoni tal-GRTU tibqa dwar d-delivery persons u nies ohra li jahdmu permezz tat-toroq

Il-GRTU Il-Kamra Maltija ghall-Intraprizi Zghar u Medji laqghet b’entuzjazmu l-ahbar li habbret l-LESA din il-gimgha li wara li gew varati s-sitt twissijiet fuq kontravenzjonijiet tat-traffiku aktar kmieni din is-sena, l-gwardjan lokali wissa mall-5,400 xufier. Din kienet wahda mill-proposti li l-GRTU kienet pproponiet ghar-riforma, fejn il-gwardjan lokali ghandu jkun l-Ufficcjal li jwissi u jeduka u mhux biss li jharrek.

Filwaqt li l-GRTU taghmilha cara li dawk kollha li jabbuzaw ghandhom jigu ppenalizzati turi l-preokkupazzjoni taghha ghal dawk li xogholhom jiddependi mit-toroq, fosthom id-delivery persons li l-posizzjoni taghhom dejjem qeghda tidditerjora. Il-GRTU ilha ghal diversi xhur titkellem ghan nom ta’ dawn l-operaturi bil-ghan li jintlahaq ftehim bejn l-entitajiet ikkoncernati fejn dawn jkunu jistghu joperaw minghajr d-diffikultajjiet li jiltaqghu maghhom ta’ kuljum. Is-Soluzzjoni m’hijiex wahda facli, specjalment meta wiehed iqis il-limitazzjonijiet fl-infrastruttura tat-toroq izda kompromess irid jinstghab. Dan ghaliex il-livell ta’ stress li jaffaccjaw ta’ kulljum meta jaghmlu gurnata jithabtu fit-traffiku u jaraw fejn l-ahjar jipparkjaw biex ma jaqilawx citazzjoni u fl-istess hin ikunu f’distanza dicenti biex ihottu u jghabbu x-xoghol, hu eccessiv u qed jiswa hafna hela ta’ hin u flus lill-kumpaniji.

Kienu d-diversi laqghat li l-GRTU ghamlet mall-LESA li b’xi mod ghenu sabiex dawn l-operaturi setghu joperaw gewwa Paceville billi estendiet il-hin li originaljament kienu joperaw bih u li kien qed jikkawza lil dawn l-operaturi ammont sostanzjali ta’ kontravenzjonijiet. Il-multi kienu esagerati u kienu jikkonstitwixxu running cost ghal l-intraprizi li xogholhom hu ffukat fuq l-qadi ta’ dmirijiet permezz tal-uzu tat-triq.

Dwar l-un/loading bays il-GRTU tibqa tinsisti li dawn m’humiex bizzejjed, u li hemm qed jigu abbuzati kontinwament min xufiera irresponsabbli li ma ghandhom l-ebda rispett lejn dawn l-operaturi. Il-GRTU tibqa tishaq li l-infurzar ghandu jiffoka fuq dawn u ohrajn li qeghdin jkunu ta’ periklu u mhux tad-delivery man.

F’zewg laqghat separati li saru ricenti wahda mall-Onorevoli Parnis fejn il-GRTU ghamlitha cara li ghalkemm l-LESA qeghda taghmel dak kollu li tista sabiex b’xi mod taghti l-ahjar servizz li tista xorta wahda fadal hafna x’jsir. L-Onorevoli Parnis wieghed li ser jkun kemm riforma tal-Gvern Lokali fejn ser tara bidla fl-irwol u fil-poteri tar-regjuni. Huwa wieghed ukoll li din r-riforma ser thares l-interessi ta’ kulhadd.

F’laqghha ohra mall-LESA, l-GRTU regghet iddiskutiet fid-dettal l-kwistjoni tad-delivery man u gie deciz li l-GRTU flimkien mall-LESA torganizza laqghat mall-Kunsilli Lokali ndividwalment bil-ghan li tinstab l-ahjar soluzzjoni ta’ kif din l-materja ghandha tigi indirizzata f’kull lokal.

Giet diskussa ukoll il-possibilta ta’ network system bejn l-gvern u l-awtoritajiet koncernati fejn jidhol kwalunkwe xoghol ta’ kostruzzjoni u xoghol iehor sabiex jigu evitati konflitti bla bzonn u jigi organizzat ahjar it-traffic management.

Sadanittant l-GRTU tappoggja l-proposta fejn jidhlu pieni aktar horox fuq l-uzu tal-mobiles waqt is-sewqan.

FastTrak Launch | MCA in collaboration with GRTU

fasttrakGRTU Malta Chamber of SMEs proudly supports the ‘FastTrak’ initiative launched be The Malta Communications Authority (MCA), GRTU has been working closely with MCA on several projects such as the one launched today. This initiative is another example of the close collaboration GRTU shares with MCA.

GRTU believes that educating entrepreneurs not only helps entrepreneurs improve their competitive advantage but also allows them to give a better service to their clients. In this regard GRTU has also been working closely with the Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) in the creation of an MBA degree for the Small Business. The degree started last year and uptake was good. GRTU was instrumental in making the degree more practical and hands on.


GRTU has always felt that this is as important for business to have a ‘digital identity’. Many local retailers have not embraced this idea and are missing out on using the Internet which is today considered an important business tool. This is in light of the fact that the latest survey carried out by the Authority titled “Insights into Consumer Buying Behavior Attitudes”, found that 70% of internet users turn to the Internet before buying a product or booking a service. This clearly indicates that consumers are increasingly searching on the Internet for their shopping needs. The study also mentions that 63% of consumers who use social media follow their favourite brands and retailers on these platforms. This indicates how important social media has become for businesses.

The free training sessions launched today will be a step in the right direction. MCA will be offering free training sessions on Digital Marketing, with special focus on online presence and social media. These sessions aim to guide those operating in the retail industry on how to boost their business and create an effective online presence through social media channels. Participants do not need to have a high level of education to attend such sessions.

Amongst other material, participants will be able to learn how to create a Facebook Page, design and add content, schedule and boost posts and how to use email marketing effectively. The sessions are 1.5 hour long. Businesses interested in attending these training sessions are invited to visit MCA’s website, www.mca.org.mt/initiatives/fast-trak and complete the FastTrak application form.

GRTU once again thanks MCA for this excellent opportunity to work together in creating this initiative and encourages all retailers to take up this offer in order to have effective online content that enables them to connect to the online world.





Il-Kunsill Eżekuttiv tal-GRTU jiltaqa’ mall-kandidati għall-elezzjoni tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, ma’ Dr. Adrian Delia u Dr. Chris Said

Il-GRTU għadha kif ikkonkludit żewġ laqgħat separati mall-kandidati ghall-elezzjoni tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Dr. Adrian Delia u Dr. Chris Said. Matul dawn il-laqgħat il-President tal-GRTU Paul Abela spjega li l-għan ewlieni tal-GRTU huwa dak li jisalvagwardja l-interess tal-intraprizi ż- żgħar u medji li hu fl-interess tal-membri tal-GRTU li l-organiżazzjoni iżżomm linja ta’ komunikazzjoni miftuħa ma min ikun fil-gvern u anke l-oppożizzjoni bħala l-gvern alternattiv.

Il-President tal-GRTU Paul Abela, iffoka fuq żewġ sfidi ewlenin li qegħdin jiffacjaw l-intrapriżi żgħar u medji. Is-Sur Abela qal li Malta illum qiegħda fi kriżi għaliex l-intrapriżi Maltin iridu jaħdmu, jikbru u jinvestu u dawn qed jiġu maħnuqa għaliex ma jsibux nies b’min jaħdmu. Hawn ‘shortage’ qawwi ta’ riżorsi umani li qed jikkawża inflazzjoni fil-pagi u operat limitat.

Fosthom Paul Abela spjega wkoll li għad hemm problemi relatati ma’ ‘Access to Finance’ lokali għaliex għad hawn dipendenza assoluta fuq il-banek. Din hija problema li qiegħda ittellef lill-industrija u tnaqqas il-kompetitivita. Paul Abela spjega li bħala GRTU ilha snin tiddiskuti dan, u dan ukoll wassal biex jinħoloq il- ‘Malta Development Bank’.

Iż-Żewg kandidati wrew li huma konxji sew ta’ dawn il-problemi u flimkien mal-GRTU iddiskutew soluzjonijiet li jistgħu jiġu implimentati b’mod nazzjonali.

Il-President tal-GRTU irringrazzja liż-żewġ kandidati talli sabu ic-cans jiltaqgħu mall-GRTU u awguralhom kull success għall-elezzjoni. Paul Abela kompla jgħid li l-GRTU iħares il-quddiem biex jaħdem ma min ikun Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista.