Invitation for businesses to participate during the Verdala International School career week
10 January 2025
Verdala International School in Pembroke is currently planning to host a career week for Grade...
English Version
‘Ques for 10 hours, waiting for the shop to open’
adds comments from GRTU CEO Ms Abigail Mamo
“Black Friday starts with a Bang!”
“We are receiving positive feedback from all over Malta and Gozo. People started queuing very early with one individual queuing since 11:00PM yesterday evening.
“Although customers are numerous with some shops experiences ques, businesses have redeployed employees from the office to assist customers and this is easing flow.”
“Although it is too early to compare this Black Friday with last years’, it is already very evident that there is a positive trend”
Maltese Version
“Jagħmel 10 sigħat jistenna l-ħanut jiftaħ”
Kummenti ta’ CEO tal GRTU Abigail Mamo
“Black Friday tibda b’suċċess kif mistenni.”
“Qed ikollna feedback pożittiv ħafna mill-inħawi kollha f’Malta u Għawdex. In-nies bdew jistennew minn kmieni. L-iżjed persuna kmieni kienet wara l-ħanut fil-11:00 tal-bieraħ filgħaxija.”
“Għalkemm uħud mill-ħwienet fihom il-kjus xorta l-flow tan-nies miexi u mhux qed ikollhom jistennew ħinijiet twal. Dan għaliex ħafna ħaddiema li s-soltu jaħdmu fl-uffiċċini ta’ dawn in-negozji, illum qegħdin fil-ħwienet biex jaqdu l-klijenti.”
“Għalkemm għadu kmieni biex tikkompara mas-sena l-oħra, jidher biċ-ċar li t-trend ta’ Black Friday sa issa hija pożittiva.”
Updates jaslulkom kif jaslulna.
The Malta Chamber of SMEs represents over 7,000 members from over 90 different sectors which in their majority are either small or medium sized companies, and such issues like the one we're experiencing right now, it's important to be united. Malta Chamber of SMEs offers a number of different services tailored to its members' individual requirements' and necessities. These range from general services offered to all members to more individual & bespoke services catered for specific requirements.
A membership with Malta Chamber of SMEs will guarantee that you are constantly updated and informed with different opportunities which will directly benefit your business and help you grow. It also entails you to a number of services which in their majority are free of charge and offered exclusively to its members (in their majority all free of charge).