MCAST Part-time Research Fellowship Scheme 2025 is now open – In consultation with the Malta Chamber of SMEs
06 February 2025
The Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation (MEYR), in consultation with the Malta...
Green MT, the National Authorised Waste Packaging Compliance Scheme will as from the first week of February launch segregated collections of packaging and recyclable material from Birkirkara after an agreement was reached with the Local Council.
On Wednesdays, a collection of paper, carton, newspapers, leaflets and magazines will take place. These can be left at the kerbside , tied decently , and collection will be made door to door. On Friday, a collection will be made for plastic and metal placed in the usual grey bag, also door to door. Green mt recovers nearly 16 tons of recyclable materials from Birkirkara in two days of grey bag collection. However the costs of segregating the grey bag are not economically feasable and as such related action had to be taken to make sure that Local Councils in Malta are incentivised in order to effect such segregated collections.
Currently Green MT has deployed four Eco Councillors on a door to door visit in Birkirkara, distributing a leaflet in respect to this segregation and explaining to individuals how the system will work. Birkirkara is the first Local Council under agreement with Green MT to effect such a collection. Other Local Councils will follow accordingly in the coming months. It is envisaged that by end of June 2012 all Local Councils in agreement with Green MT will be effecting segregated recyclable collection.
Green MT, the National Authorised Waste Packaging, with currently over 1400 producer members continues to grow rapidly. During calendar year 2011, its producer members placed nearly 21,000 tons of packaging waste in the market and the Scheme has recovered nearly 14,000 tons, nearly 270 tons weekly which have now been directed to recycling instead of landfill. It is by far an impressive result brought about by the continued support of the public in general and with the help of a fairly large number of commercial establishments led by GRTU, who work incessantly to shoulder their moral obligation towards the environment.
In the very near future, Green MT will be launching a public campaign via a very popular TV afternoon show which will include a number of gifts and awards to those who take up recycling seriously.
Green MT has also embarked on a massive education campaign at schools. Eco Councillors are visiting Schools and discussing segregation of waste and recyclables with School Heads and setting up days when to visit individual classes and make presentations to the students. Green MT is also discussing at these Schools further hardware needs of each individual school so that students are further enticed to segregate their waste at source. Green mt will also be organising trips for students to visit the Sant Antnin Materials Recovery Facility operated by Wasteserv Malta Limited.
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