Dumping is said to occur when the goods are exported by a country to another country at a price lower than its normal value. In the EU this is considered as an unfair trade practice which can have a distortive effect on international trade. When the EU is alerted it investigates and if it does find evidence of distortion it introduces anit-dumping proceedings.
Anti dumping is a measure to rectify the situation arising out of the
dumping of goods and its trade distortive effect.
Below kindly find information on cases which will be discussed during
the upcoming Anti-dumping Anti-subsidy Committee meeting of 4th July
1. Partial interim review of the anti-dumping measures applicable to
imports of hand pallet trucks and their essential parts originating in
the People’s Republic of China.
Anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of Tube and pipe fittings
of iron or steel originating in the Russian Federation and Turkey.
Proposal for the imposition of provisional measures.
3. Anti-dumping proceeding concerning the imports of White phosphorus
(elemental or yellow phosphorus) originating in Kazakhstan.
4. Partial interim review of the anti-dumping measures applicable to
imports of Seamless pipes and tubes of iron or steel (certain)
originating in Ukraine.
Should you wish to have more information or would like to submit any
views or comments on any of the cases mentioned above, kindly contact
Abigail Mamo at GRTU on 21 232 881